Three Year Goals

Goal A: Economic Vitality – stable local businesses and investment in entrepreneurs.

  1. Support successful business and service agency transitions with current owners.
  2. Invest in business opportunities for young adults and encore entrepreneurs.
  3. Support the growth of a four-season tourism market.
  4. Support the local farming and food production for retail and/or wholesale ventures.

Goal B: Workforce & Volunteer Development – a reliable workforce for local businesses and community agencies.

  1. Continue to invest in East Grand School workforce development student programs. 
  2. Explore workforce development projects connected to the forest industry.
  3. Expand Workplace Recovery programs to bring non-working adults successfully into the workforce.
  4. Provide resources to train and build volunteer resources for organizations that serve the region.

Goal C: Vibrant Communities – attract visitors, welcome newcomers, support residents.

  1. Continue to build community collaboration capacity in the region.
  2. Identify and seek funding for community designated projects the 12 communities in the region.
  3. Address how to eliminate the illegal drug trade in the region.
  4. Develop and coordinate a destination marketing project for the region.